Basic Attention Token (BAT)

1. Project Information

Project Name: Basic Attention Token

Token Name: BAT


2. Introduction to the Project

Basic Attention Token (BAT) was founded by internet browser developers Brendan Eich and Brian Bondy. Brendan Eich is also the founder of JavaScript and the Mozilla browser.


BAT is an ERC-20 based cryptocurrency connected to the Ethereum blockchain network. The Basic Attention Token (BAT) is a non-mining cryptocurrency. The entire Basic Attention Token (BAT) amount is generated by the company.


It works integrated with the BAT Brave internet browser. BAT is a project developed to provide solutions to inefficient and disturbing advertisements in the digital advertising industry. It aims to reduce the high costs in the advertising sector and offer better quality products. Users can watch ads and earn rewards without compromising their privacy.


3. Overview of signs

Total Supply: 1.500.000.000

Circulation: 1,496,812,315


4. Support Links

Official Website:

White Paper: